iudex -icis

Total found: 4
Page 1 of 1, showing 4 records out of 4 total, starting on record 1, ending on 4
Word Sense Sentence Situation

iudex -icis

domjni millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo octauo. Vidit Johan Martinez inquisitor et | judex | predictus Martinus Martinez Teruel judex et accessor generalis [...] Johan d·Anchias
A-Sástago-252:020 (1489) Extend

iudex -icis

quadringentesimo octuagesimo octauo. Vidit Johan Martinez inquisitor et judex predictus Martinus Martinez Teruel | judex | et accessor generalis [...] Johan d·Anchias notarius [...]
A-Sástago-252:020 (1489) Extend

iudex -icis

en·las lineas .xviiij. et .xxx. do se lie predictus Martinus Martinez Teruel | judex | . Et de rassos correctos en·las lineas .xxx. et .lij. do se
A-Sástago-252:070 (1489) Extend

iudex -icis

rassos correctos en·las lineas .xxx. et .lij. do se lie jnquisitor et | judex | en·el dito. Et cerre.
A-Sástago-252:070 (1489) Extend
Page 1 of 1, showing 4 records out of 4 total, starting on record 1, ending on 4