List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,336
Occurences: 1,755,287
Page 1128 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 22541, ending on 22560
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Satrilla, Franci 1484 2 0.0114/10,000
satur -ura -urum 1468 1 0.00570/10,000
satureia -ae 1471 7 0.0399/10,000
Saturnia 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Saturniano 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Saturnino 0 0.00000/10,000
Saturnino, Julio 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Saturno1 1417 23 0.131/10,000
Saturno2 1468 14 0.0798/10,000
sauce Del latín SALICEM, 'sauce'. 949 (CORDE: 1141) 1400-60 41 0.234/10,000
saúco Del latín SABUCUM, 'saúco'. 1242 (CORDE: 1242) 1400-60 13 0.0741/10,000
Saúl 1498 15 0.0855/10,000
Saulo 1498 4 0.0228/10,000
Saumi 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Sava 1460-63 1 0.00570/10,000
savia Tomado del gallegoportugués seiva, alterado por influencia de saiva, ‘saliva’, y este del francés sève, del latín SAPA, 'arrope'. 1760 (CORDE: 1400) 1400-60 1 0.00570/10,000
Savuot 1464 2 0.0114/10,000
Sax 1476 1 0.00570/10,000
Saxemilo 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
saxifragia Tomado del latín saxifraga, compuesto de saxum, 'piedra', y frangere, 'romper'. 1555 (CORDE: 1495) 1471 10 0.0570/10,000
Page 1128 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 22541, ending on 22560