List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,328
Occurences: 2,234,524
Page 1166 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26328 total, starting on record 23301, ending on 23320
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Baja Alemania 1475 1 0.00448/10,000
bajador -ora Derivado de baxar, del latín vulgar *BASSIARE, 'bajar', derivado de BASSUS, 'gordo, robusto'. 1482 (CORDE: 1350) 1457 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayas 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayatola 1427 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayo, Juan del 1466 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayo, Pedro del 1459 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayona 1499 1 0.00448/10,000
Bayona, Gallart de 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Del latín BENE, 'bien'. 1486 1 0.00448/10,000
beazas Tomado del catalán beaces, del latín BISACCIA, 'saco doble, alforja'. 1611 (CORDE: Ø) 1428 1 0.00448/10,000
Bearn, Gastón VII de 1499 1 0.00448/10,000
Beata 1460-63 1 0.00448/10,000
beatífico -a Derivado de beatificar, tomado del latín beatificare, compuesto de beatus, 'feliz', y facere, 'hacer'. 1423 (CORDE: 1424) 1423 1 0.00448/10,000


1458-67 1 0.00448/10,000


1486 1 0.00448/10,000
Beatus vir 1425 1 0.00448/10,000
Beaumont, Luis de 1445 1 0.00448/10,000
Bebil 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Becho, Omar 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Becorolim 1464 1 0.00448/10,000
Page 1166 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26328 total, starting on record 23301, ending on 23320