List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,336
Occurences: 1,755,287
Page 264 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 5261, ending on 5280
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Castellana 1484 1 0.00570/10,000
castellanía Derivado de castellán, tomado del catalán castellà, y este del latín CASTELLANUM, 'señor de un castillo', derivado de CASTRUM. s.f. (CORDE: 1327) 1416 3 0.0171/10,000
castellano -a Del latín CASTELLANUM, 'señor de un castillo', derivado de CASTRUM. 1140 (CORDE: 1140) 1417 63 0.359/10,000
Castellar, El 1412 20 0.114/10,000
Castellar, Juan del 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellar, María del 1497 3 0.0171/10,000
Castellar, Miguel del 1497 4 0.0228/10,000
Castellet, Beltran de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellfollit 1467 2 0.0114/10,000
Castellgenovés 1447 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellizuelo 1467 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellizuelo, García de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellnou, Guillem de 1499 3 0.0171/10,000
Castelló de Burriana 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castelló de Empúries 1473 3 0.0171/10,000
Castellón de Monegros 1447 3 0.0171/10,000
Castellón de Sobrarbe 1412 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón, Aldonza 1460-80 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón, Alfonso de 1412 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón, Luis de 1467 5 0.0285/10,000
Page 264 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 5261, ending on 5280