List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,336
Occurences: 1,755,287
Page 458 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 9141, ending on 9160
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Nacario 1488 1 0.00570/10,000
nácar Tomado del catalán nacre, y este del árabe hispánico náqra, 'tamboril'. 1495 (CORDE: 1431) 0 0.00000/10,000
Nabul 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Nabucodonosor II 1468 7 0.0399/10,000
Nabot 1498 14 0.0798/10,000
Nabor 0 0.00000/10,000
nabo Del latín NAPUM, 'nabo'. 1335 (CORDE: 1250) 1400-60 39 0.222/10,000
Nabejoz, Gutierre de 1403 1 0.00570/10,000
nabateo -a Tomado del latín nabathaeum, derivado del antropónimo Nabath, del hebreo Nebayoth. Ø (CORDE: 1379-84) 1468 4 0.0228/10,000
Nabaleo 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Nabal 1498 3 0.0171/10,000
Nabajot 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Naasón 1498 2 0.0114/10,000
Naamías 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Naamán, Mosé ben 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Naamán 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
myxum -i 1400-60 1 0.00570/10,000
myrteus -a -um 1400-60 1 0.00570/10,000
Muzameno, Simuel 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Muzameno, Azac 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Page 458 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 9141, ending on 9160