List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,336
Occurences: 1,755,287
Page 850 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 16981, ending on 17000
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Castellamar 1460-63 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellana 1484 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellar, Juan del 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellet, Beltran de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellgenovés 1447 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellizuelo 1467 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellizuelo, García de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón de Sobrarbe 1412 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón, Aldonza 1460-80 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellón, Alfonso de 1412 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellví, Gonzalo de 1412 1 0.00570/10,000
Castellví, Pere de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
castigamiento Derivado de castigar, tomado del latín castigare, 'amonestar'. 1200-25 (CORDE: 1200) 1470 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Alfonso de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Catalina de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Elvira de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Fadrique de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, María de1 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Mayor de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Castilla, Pedro de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Page 850 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 16981, ending on 17000