List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,322
Occurences: 2,234,498
Page 1115 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26322 total, starting on record 22281, ending on 22300
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Bernarda 1417 1 0.00448/10,000


1472 1 0.00448/10,000


1460-65 1 0.00448/10,000


1499 1 0.00448/10,000


1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Besalú 1484 1 0.00448/10,000


Tomado del catalán besant, y este del griego byzantis, '(moneda) bizantina', derivado del topónimo Byzantion.

1300 (CORDE: 1257-71) 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Besarán 1412 1 0.00448/10,000
Besarán, Anton de 1450 1 0.00448/10,000
Bescansa 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Besiers, Azac de 1450 1 0.00448/10,000
Ablata 1460-63 1 0.00448/10,000


Tomado del latín ablativum, 'relativo al llevarse', derivado del arcaico latum, posteriormente (junto con el defectivo tulere) absorbido por ferre, 'llevar'.

1490 (CORDE: 1450) 1458-67 1 0.00448/10,000
Ablatronell, Azac 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Abnain, Jucé 1459 1 0.00448/10,000
Abnajar, Alí 1450 1 0.00448/10,000
Abnajar, Mahoma 1450 1 0.00448/10,000
Abnarrabí, Ezmel 1466 1 0.00448/10,000
Abodi 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Abofeit, Brahim de 1450 1 0.00448/10,000
Page 1115 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26322 total, starting on record 22281, ending on 22300