List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,336
Occurences: 1,755,287
Page 1130 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 22581, ending on 22600
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Beltrán1 1445-63 1 0.00570/10,000
Beltrán, Toda 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Beltrán, Sancha 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Beltran, Pere 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Beltrán, Nicolás 1476 1 0.00570/10,000
Belsierre 1417 2 0.0114/10,000
Belsa, Clemente 1460 2 0.0114/10,000
Belo 1468 1 0.00570/10,000
Belmonte 1499 1 0.00570/10,000
Belmar 1418 2 0.0114/10,000
Bellviure, Pau de 1448-65 1 0.00570/10,000
Bellvis, Alí de 1417 1 0.00570/10,000
Bellver 1444 4 0.0228/10,000
Belluga, Nicolau 1472 2 0.0114/10,000
Belluga, Lorenz 1417 2 0.0114/10,000
Bellpuig, Zenda de 1443 1 0.00570/10,000
Bellpuig, Beltran de 1499 1 0.00570/10,000


Tomado del árabe andalusí ballúta, 'bellota', y este probablemente del griego balanōdēs, 'fruto abellotado'.

1212 (CORDE: 1105) 1400-60 6 0.0342/10,000
Bellostado 1498 1 0.00570/10,000
Bellona -ae 1468 2 0.0114/10,000
Page 1130 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26336 total, starting on record 22581, ending on 22600