List of words by frequency

Total found: 26,333
Occurences: 2,234,525
Page 166 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26333 total, starting on record 3301, ending on 3320
Word Etymon 1st. doc. DCECH 1st. doc. DiCCA-XV Abs. Freq. Rel. Freq.
Gras, Sancho Ruiz del 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
López, Juan 1482 1 0.00448/10,000
Catubeo 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Rojas, Ruy Martínez de 1432 1 0.00448/10,000
Océano 1468 1 0.00448/10,000
Oliete, Pero de 1463 1 0.00448/10,000
Cirote 1499 1 0.00448/10,000
Uriz, Manuel de 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Benjamin2 1498 1 0.00448/10,000
Raz, Ferrer 1499 1 0.00448/10,000
Benjesuá, Jucé 1464 1 0.00448/10,000
Benmoded, Simuel 1484 1 0.00448/10,000
Benossiello, Abraham 1417 1 0.00448/10,000
Benossiello, Josué 1439 1 0.00448/10,000
Benossiello, Jucé 1400 1 0.00448/10,000
artesano -a Derivado de arte, del latín ARTEM, ‘habilidad, profesión’. 1440 (CORDE: 1379-84) 1480 1 0.00448/10,000
Benvenist 1400 1 0.00448/10,000
Benvenist, Semuel 1400 1 0.00448/10,000
Benzayet, Isac 1465 1 0.00448/10,000
gazofilacio Tomado del latín gazophylacium, del griego gazophylákion, 'tesoro real', compuesto de gáza, 'tesoro' y phyláttein, 'guardar'. 1596 (CORDE: 1260) 1450-90 1 0.00448/10,000
Page 166 of 1317, showing 20 records out of 26333 total, starting on record 3301, ending on 3320